GMC Yukon XL Dywany pierwszy i drugi rząd - wydma

Kod: 84553735
863.45 PLN 713.60 PLN bez VAT
Na magazynie w USA (14 dni)

Protect the integrity of your vehicle’s floor with Carpet Floor Mats. These superior floor mats feature textures and patterns for better foot traction as well as protection from rain, dirt, mud, and/or spills.

Delivers additional protection, providing a barrier against dirt, water and salt
Includes first- and second-row mats
Covers previous wear of interior floors and can help protect against future wear from everyday use

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Dywany w pierwszym i drugim rzędzie - wydma

Dla pojazdów:
GMC Yukon XL (2015-2020)


Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Wnętrze
Waga: 2.4 kg

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