GMC Yukon/ XL System audio-nawigacyjny dla tylnych siedzeń z odtwarzaczem DVD — Jet black

Kod: 84263920
18 302.37 PLN 15 125.93 PLN bez VAT
Na magazynie w USA (14 dni)

Make time fly for your back-seat passengers with a GMC Accessories Rear-Seat Entertainment System. Dual LCD monitors and DVD players are mounted on the rear of the front seat headrests. Wireless headphones and a remote allow your passengers to enjoy their favorite DVDs without disturbing the driver or other passengers. Includes players, module, harness, remote, headphones, batteries, attachment kit and retainers.

Make every mile memorable by keeping passengers entertained
Easy-to-use technology
Color coordinated to match the interior of your vehicle

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

System audio-nawigacyjny dla tylnych siedzeń z odtwarzaczem DVD — Jet black

Dla pojazdów:
GMC Yukon (2015-2020)
GMC Yukon XL (2015-2020)


Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Audio i wideo
Waga: 2 kg

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