Pokrowiec Jeep Wrangler JL Reserve Black Desert 32''

Kod: 82215441AB
766.27 PLN 633.28 PLN bez VAT
Na zapytanie

Spare Tire Cover for 32" tires. Cover is made of Black Vinyl and features a desert-themed logo. It fits 245/75R17 and 255/70R18 tires and is compatible with rear view camera. Fits Jeep Wrangler (JL). Premium Spare Tire Covers are made of a cotton/polyester blend with heavy-duty stitching and features an elastic anchor to securely hold the cover on the tire. These covers are custom fit to all tire sizes and are available in selected colors and logos. Tire Cover fit.

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Pokrowiec rezerwowy Black Desert 32 cale. Kompatybilny z tylną kamerą parkowania.

Dla opony o wymiarze:
245/75R17 lub 255/70R18

Dla pojazdów:
Jeep Wrangler JL (2018-...)

82215441AB, 82215441

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Pokrywa rezerwy
Waga: 1.049 kg

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