Wanna bagażnika Jeep Wrangler JL 82215185AD

Kod: 82216626AA
1 833.40 PLN –0 %
s l400
1 833.40 PLN –0 % 1 833.39 PLN 1 515.20 PLN bez VAT
5-10 dni

Molded Cargo Tray Kit provides full coverage of cargo area and seat backs. Kit includes cargo tray for load floor and two seat back cover pieces (60/40 seat style). Tray is Black and features Red Jeep logo. Fits four-door Jeep Wrangler (JL) equipped with leather seats and production gap hider. Cargo Mats are made of crack-resistant, flexible, heavy-duty compressed rubber to protect the floor against scratches, dents, dings and corrosion. The mat features molded-in ribs to reduce cargo shifting, make loading and unloading easier. Cargo Mats are oil and grease resistant and remove easily for cleaning.

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

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Dla pojazdów:
Jeep Wrangler JL (2018-...)

82216626AA, 82215185AD, 82215185AC, 82215185AB, 82215185

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Wnętrze
Waga: 4.865 kg
Typ: 1XO
Macro Family: Q
Family: ZF05
Kód slevy: G

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