Zderzak tylny Jeep Wrangler JK 82213654

Kod: 82213654
Promocja Wyprzedaż
12 007.03 PLN –62 %
12 007.03 PLN –62 % 4 512.25 PLN 3 729.13 PLN bez VAT
Na magazynie (1 szt)

Rear Rubicon Edition Bumper - Adding new bumpers to your Wrangler is a useful, eye catching way to make it your own. This OEM Mopar Off Road Bumper is manufactured to rigid Jeep standards for quality and durability and made specifically for the Wrangler. This Jeep Wrangler Bumper features high clearance and is rugged and heavily gusseted for strength and tough looks. This Rear Bumper is styled to match the front, features tow eyes, and works with the production hitch receiver. The textured black finish is E-coated and powder coated to meet Jeep's toughest corrosion requirements. Functional and strong, this Bumper is perfect for the Off Road trail and cruising around the neighborhood!

- Jeep Wrangler JK Rear Steel Rubicon Style Bumper
- Tow Hooks not included
- Same as Production Rubicon 10th Anniversary, Rubicon Hard Rock, and Rubicon X.

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Tylny zderzak

Dla pojazdów:
Jeep Wrangler JK (2007-2018)


Zderzak jest lekko porysowany, patrz zdjęcie. Poza niewielkimi uszkodzeniami jest w doskonałym stanie.

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Nadwozie i oświetlenie
Waga: 20.107 kg

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