Dodge Grand Caravan RT, Dodge Grand Caravan RT Mopar farba w sprayu Brilliant Black Crystal (Pxr

Kod: 68627363AA
128.94 PLN 106.56 PLN bez VAT
5-10 dni

Mopar Premium touch-up Spray Paint is an easy-to-use, high-quality, fast-drying, acrylic lacquer aerosol paint specially formulated to match the exact color of original Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram, and Fiat factory applied coatings. Ideal for use on all paint surfaces, Mopar premium touch-up spray paint is available in a complete line of exact-match colors for most current and late model FCA vehicles, making this product ideal for both small scale vehicle touch-up and for painting vehicle accessories.

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Mopar brilliant Black Crystal Spray (Pxr).

Dla pojazdów:

Dodge Grand Caravan RT (2008-2020)
Chrysler Grand Voyager RT (2008-2016)

68627363AA, 4889821AA, 4889821AB

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Lakovací tužky, spreje
Waga: 0.1 kg

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