Thule Vertex 9029 bagażnik na 4 koła

Kod: THVE9029AB
3 891.38 PLN 3 216.02 PLN bez VAT
5-10 dni

Thule Hitch Mounted Bike Carrier (4 Bike) - If you've ever wanted to take your bike along on your adventures without the struggle of fitting it inside your 300, then we've got some exciting news. Mopar has teamed up with Thule, the top U.S. manufacturer of bike rack systems, to bring you this Chrysler 300 Hitch Mount Bike Rack. This Thule Bike Rack system is designed to easily mount to your 300's hitch and remains securely on your vehicle wherever your adventures take you. This is a Mopar-approved Specialty Accessory. 

Thule Hitch Mounted Bike Carrier (4 Bike)
Fits 2 Inch and 1-1/4 Inch receivers.

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Bagażnik rowerowy Thule na 4 rowery

Dla pojazdów:
Dodge Challenger LC (2009-2014)
Chrysler 300C LX (2005-2010)
Dodge Charger LX (2006-2010)

TH914RWY, 82204328AB, THVE9029, THVE9029AB

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Ładunek
Waga: 14.903 kg

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