Odtwarzacz DVD 9 cali Voyager RT Biały

Kod: 82211707
14 538.55 PLN 12 015.33 PLN bez VAT
5-10 dni


Production overhead single 9" screen for vehicles with single or dual overhead console (CWR/CWS)
Replaces storage bin in overhead console
Audio can be accessed through the vehicle`s sound system and/or through wireless headphones.
An auxiliary input is provided for a video camera, CD, MP3 and video games.
Additional headphones and remote control can be purchased separately.
Product image is for reference only. This is a single screen kit.

Must have DVD-capable radio. Will not work with RES radio.

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Odtwarzacz DVD 9 cali Voyager RT biały

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Audio i wideo
Waga: 3.89 kg
Typ: 18V
Macro Family: Q
Family: FG05
Kód slevy: D

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