Koło Cadillac Escalade/ Escalade ESV ALU 22'

Kod: 20984065
8 606.24 PLN 7 112.60 PLN bez VAT
Na magazynie w USA (14 dni)

Personalize your vehicle with these GMC Accessories Wheels validated to GM specifications. Use only GM-approved wheel and tire combinations. Denali only. Personalize your Tahoe with these 22-Inch Chrome Accessory Wheels- validated to GM specifications. Personalize your Escalade ESV with these attractive 7-Spoke- 22-Inch Silver Wheels with Chrome Inserts - RXN validated to GM specifications. Personalize your vehicle with these attractive 22-Inch 7-Spoke Silver with Chrome Inserts Wheels (RXN) validated to GM specifications. Personalize your vehicle with these Chevrolet Accessories Wheels validated to GM specifications.

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Koło ALU 22'

Dla pojazdów:

Cadillac Escalade/Escalade ESV (2015-2020)

20984065, 19301190, 17801711, 20982804, 84413352, 85124434, 20967936, 19303243, 19333201

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Koła
Waga: 0.1 kg

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