Środek do czyszczenia wnętrz 16 uncji firmy Adam's Polishes

Kod: 19434995
100.68 PLN 83.21 PLN bez VAT
Na magazynie w USA (14 dni)

Water-based, non-silicone and cross-linking polymer surface protection
Contains odor encapsulant, UV absorber and anti-static dust repellency additive
Suitable for dashes, door panels, glass, navigation screens, vinyl, plastics and even carpet, leather and upholstery
Produces a like-new, matte appearance with no gloss on hard, non-porous surfaces
Foaming action when rubbed within textiles and upholstery
Effective at removing sticky residues, light dust, fingerprints, smudges, dirt, stains and other unwanted contaminants and at keeping them from returning
Maine Blueberry fragrance; Bright Sky Blue color
Handy 16-oz. spray bottle makes it easy to apply to your vehicle’s interior

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Środek do czyszczenia wnętrza 16 uncji od Adam's Polishes

Dla pojazdów:
Dla wszystkich pojazdów marki Buick


Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Akcesoria Adam's Polishes
Waga: 0.36 kg

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