Jeep / Chrysler / Dodge Świeca zapłonowa SP149125AD

Kod: SP149125AE DE VXUH22I Wybierz wariant
58.77 PLN 121.63 PLN od 58.77 PLN 48.57 PLN bez VAT 100.52 PLN bez VAT od 48.57 PLN bez VAT
Na magazynie (3 szt) 5-10 dni Wybierz wariant

Mopar Replacement spark plugs are engineered specifically for your Mopar vehicle to provide the precise fit. And, being genuine OEM Mopar spark plugs, they are designed for dependable performance to keep your ride running its best. Protect the integrity and efficiency of your Mopar vehicle change out spark plugs according to your maintenance schedule. Select the Mopar Replacement spark plugs recommended for your vehicle application.

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu


Jeep Wrangler JK (2007-2018)
Chrysler 300C LX (2011-...)
Dodge Challenger Los Angeles (2015-...)
Dodge Challenger LC (2011-2014)
Dodge Charger LD (2011-...)

SP149125AF, SP149125AE, SP149125AD

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Jeep
Typ proudktu: Zapalovací svíčka
DS Motor: Ram 1500 4.gen DS - 3.6L V6 Pentastar
LA Motor: Challenger LA - 3.6L V6 Pentastar
LC Motor: Challenger LC - 3.6L V6 Pentastar
LD Motor: Charger LD - 3.6L V6 Pentastar
LX2 Motor: 300C, Charger LX - 3.6L V6 Pentastar
JK Motor: Wrangler JK - 3.6L Pentastar V6
WD Motor: Durango WD - 3.6L V6 Pentastar
Typ: 1GZ
Macro Family: E
Family: FA43
Kód slevy: A

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