Mopar Zamykany korek zbiornika 05278460AA

Kod: 05278655AB
198.92 PLN 164.40 PLN bez VAT
Na magazynie (5 szt)

Locking Gas Cap helps guard against theft or contamination of fuel. Constructed of plastic with stainless steel key and lock, the design features sturdy construction to meet Federal Fuel Safety Standards for fuel leakage. Kit includes a black quick on/off, quarter-turn, locking gas cap and two keys.

Additional Details: Black, Kit includes quick-on/off, quarter-turn, locking gas cap and two keys
Disclosure(s): Check government restrictions on installation and use.

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Oryginalna zamykana zakrętka zbiornika. Opakowanie zawiera 2 klucze.

Dla pojazdów:
Wszystkie modele.

05278655AB, 05278655AA, 05278460AA

Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Na zewnątrz
Waga: 0.11 kg
Typ: 1GZ
Macro Family: L
Family: ZG02
Kód slevy: G

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