Abarth/Fiat 500 Owiewki szyb bocznych

Kod: 50901692
365.68 PLN 302.21 PLN bez VAT
5-10 dni

These Wind Deflectors allow you to drive with the windows in your Fiat 500 down without having the problem of wind travelling through your Fiat 500 at high speeds.

When these Fiat 500 Wind Deflectors are installed it will also allow you to leave your windows open slightly to allow airflow when it is raining as any water will be deflected away from your Fiat 500 keeping the interior dry.

As well as these Fiat 500 Wind Deflectors having a practical use they also add a stylish look to the Fiat 500.

Informacje szczegółowe

Opis szczegółowy produktu

Owiewki szyb bocznych.

Dla pojazdów:
Abarth 500 (2008-...)
Fiat 500 (2007-...)
Fiat 500C (2009-...)
Fiat 500E USA (2013-2019)


Parametry dodatkowe

Kategoria: Na zewnątrz
Waga: 0.382 kg
Typ: 13P
Macro Family: H
Family: ZE14
Kód slevy: G

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